Break The Cycle 757: The Critical Need for Trauma-Informed Care in Foster Parenting

Welcome to the Break The Cycle 757 blog, your go-to resource for insightful articles and expert advice on fostering positive change in the foster care system. Our mission is to shift the cultural mindset surrounding foster care, with a special focus on supporting children from underserved communities. Discover how trauma-informed care, crisis management training, extensive background checks, and family integration strategies can create a safer, more nurturing environment for foster children. Join us in our commitment to breaking the cycle and fostering a brighter future for all children in need. Subscribe for updates and be part of the change.

DonQuitta Clements

10/14/20062 min read

six silhouette of people jumping during sunrise
six silhouette of people jumping during sunrise

At Break The Cycle 757, our mission is to shift the cultural mindset around foster care, particularly for children from underserved communities. A crucial part of this mission involves understanding the unique challenges these children face and ensuring that foster parents are well-equipped to provide the best possible care. This involves training in trauma-informed care and crisis management, passing extensive background checks, and preparing biological children in the household for the arrival of foster children.

The Importance of Trauma-Informed Care

Recognizing Trauma in Foster Children

Foster children, especially those from underserved communities, often come from backgrounds rife with trauma. This trauma may arise from neglect, abuse, exposure to violence, and the painful experience of being separated from their biological families. These experiences can have lasting impacts on a child’s emotional and psychological health, manifesting in behaviors such as aggression, withdrawal, and severe anxiety.

The Role of Trauma-Informed Care

Training foster parents in trauma-informed care is vital. This approach enables them to:

  • Identify Signs of Trauma: Understanding how trauma manifests in behaviors helps in addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms.

  • Create a Safe Space: Providing a stable and supportive environment that promotes healing and growth.

  • Respond Appropriately: Using empathy and positive reinforcement rather than punishment to address challenging behaviors.

  • Support Healing: Facilitating therapeutic interventions and helping children develop healthy coping mechanisms.

The Necessity of Crisis Management Training

Foster children may face crises due to their trauma histories, such as emotional outbursts, self-harm, aggression, or runaway behavior. Crisis management training prepares foster parents to:

  • De-escalate Situations: Utilizing techniques to calm the child and reduce immediate threats.

  • Ensure Safety: Protecting all household members from harm.

  • Seek Professional Help: Knowing when and how to access emergency services and professional support.

The Importance of Extensive Background Checks

To ensure the safety and well-being of foster children, it is imperative that foster parents undergo thorough background checks. These checks:

  • Screen for Criminal Activity: Ensuring individuals with histories of violence, abuse, or neglect are not approved as foster parents.

  • Assess Stability and Character: Evaluating whether prospective foster parents have the integrity and responsibility required.

  • Prevent Abuse: Reducing the risk of placing children in environments where they could face further harm.

Preparing Biological Children for the Transition

The transition to a foster home affects not only the foster child but also the biological children of foster parents. Including biological children in the preparation process is essential to:

  • Foster Empathy and Understanding: Helping them comprehend the foster child’s background and needs.

  • Promote Inclusivity: Encouraging acceptance and support to reduce feelings of jealousy or resentment.

  • Create a Cohesive Family Environment: Ensuring a smoother integration of the foster child into the family dynamic.

Addressing the Needs of Black Children from Underserved Communities

Black children from underserved communities face additional challenges in the foster care system, including disproportionate representation and cultural and racial identity issues. Ensuring foster parents are culturally competent and sensitive to the unique needs of Black children is crucial for their identity development and self-esteem.


At Break The Cycle 757, we are committed to shifting the cultural mindset around foster care. By ensuring foster parents are trained in trauma-informed care and crisis management, pass extensive background checks, and prepare their biological children for new foster siblings, we can create a more supportive and effective foster care system. This is particularly crucial for Black children from underserved communities, who face unique challenges and risks. Together, we can foster healing, stability, and growth for all children in need.

Join us in our mission to break the cycle and build a brighter future for our children.